Home Quick and Easy

French bonbons

Alexa Johnston bakes a dainty afternoon tea
36 Item
1H 10M


Sponge drops
Meringue tops


1.Preheat the oven to 200°C and line two baking trays with baking paper.
2.To make sponge drops, sift together the flour and baking powder. Put the egg, the egg yolk and the cold water into a bowl with the caster sugar and beat them with an electric beater for at least 5 minutes until they are pale yellow and fluffy. The mixture should fall in ribbons from the beaters and remain on the surface for a few seconds before sinking.
3.Gently fold in the dry ingredients using a metal spoon. Drop mixture in very small, circular spoonfuls onto the trays, trying to keep them all the same size; aim for 36. You could use a forcing (piping) bag with a 13mm plain nozzle and pipe out tiny mounds. Bake for 6-7 minutes until just golden. Leave on the tray for a few minutes before removing to a cooling rack. Store in an airtight container until you need them.
4.To make the meringue tops, line two baking trays with baking paper. Reduce oven temperature to 150°C. Beat the egg white with the cold water until stiff peaks form and then beat in the caster sugar, a spoonful at a time. Keep beating until you have a glossy meringue.
5.Drop the mixture in small spoonfuls onto the prepared trays, trying to keep them all the same size – or use a forcing bag as for the sponge drops. Aim to make 36.
6.Distribute the flaked almonds over the top of the meringues – just a few on each. Bake for about 1 hour, until the meringues are quite firm and the almonds are a lovely golden brown. Cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight container until you need them.
7.An hour before you intend to serve the bonbons, set out the sponge drops in rows, top-side down. Put a small spoonful of jam or lemon honey onto each and follow with a more generous spoonful of unsweetened whipped cream. Balance a meringue on top of each (little paper cases make them easier to handle).

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